The Department of Energy, in conjunction with Fermilab, is firmly committed to having a radiological control program of the highest quality. This program, as outlined in the 10CFR835, Occupational Radiation Protection and the Fermilab Radiological Control Manual, requires that mangers and supervisors at all levels are to be involved in the planning, scheduling and conduct of radiological work. This directive also requires that adequate radiological safety shall not be compromised to achieve production or research objectives.
The goal of this course is to provide the participant with the necessary information and skills to work safely in areas controlled for radiological purposes.
A radiological worker is an individual whose job assignment requires work on, with, or in the proximity of radiation producing machines or radioactive materials and has the potential of being exposed to at least 100 mrem a year from occupational sources.
Radiological Worker training is required for the worker whose job assignment requires unescorted access into Radiological Areas and work with radioactive materials.
Radiological Worker training is designed to:
This course is divided into 14 lessons.
Theory portion -- The first 14 lessons discuss the theory that the worker must know to work safely around radiological hazards. A written examination based on the course objectives will be given at the end of this portion. A passing score on the written examination is a prerequisite to the practical factors exercise.
Practical Factors exercise -- Generic practical exercises are incorporated into some of the lessons. This allows the worker to apply the theory portions of this course in a simulated, controlled work environment. This exercise will be evaluated against pre-established criteria.
To be classified as a Radiological Worker, an individual must successfully complete the written examination and the practical evaluation. A score of 80% or better on the written exam and a satisfactory on the practical evaluation is considered successful completion of this course.
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
The RCO is responsible for implementing Fermilab’s radiological control program
Program is contained in Fermilab Radiological Control Manual (FRCM)
Fermilab Director - Has overall responsibility for radiation safety and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The director appoints the Laboratory Senior Safety Officer.
Senior Radiation Safety Officer (SRSO) - issues radiation safety policy; responsible for radiological control program and ensures compliance.
Division/Section Heads - sees that lab radiation safety program (including training and postings) is implemented in their Division/Section.
Area RSOs - your primary contact with the RCO; handles day-to-day activities of radiological control program; establishes radiological controls, approves Radiological Work Permits, arranges for area posting, ensures that individuals are qualified for radiological work, provides emergency response.
Radiological Control Technicians (RCTs) - assist RSOs in their respective Division/Section in the conduct of daily activities.
ES&H Section - work on the lab-wide aspects of the program, including: radioactive source usage, dosimetry program, radioactive waste, instrument maintenance and calibration.
Radiation Safety Subcommittee - Made up of members from Divisions/Sections who deal with radiological issues, work to find solutions to radiological problems of a lab-wide nature, and meet to discuss various aspects of the radiological protection program.
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
alpha |
beta |
muon |
gamma rays |
neutrons |
Accelerators (except Cockcroft-Walton) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Klystrons, septa, separators, and Cockcroft-Walton |
X |
Activation Products |
X |
X |
Radioactive sources |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
A. Special controls are imposed if you are in a radiation field of 1 rem/hr. Your instrument reads out in mrem/hr. What would your instrument have to read before additional controls would be imposed? |
B. After working in a radiation field of 50 mR/hr for 3 hours, what would you expect your pocket dosimeter to read? |
C. The meter readout on your instrument indicates 200 counts per minute (cpm). If you are on the X10 range, what is the actual count rate? |
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Welding rods
Lantern mantles
Camera lenses
Dental Prostheses
Smoke detectors
Tobacco products
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Background doses
Occupational doses received at Fermilab
Medical and dental x-rays
Somatic Effects - seen in person who receives chronic dose (examples: cancer, cataracts). There is an extremely low chance of these somatic effects happening as a result of occupational doses at Fermilab.
Genetic Effects - seen in future generations due to damage in reproductive cells; extremely low chance of happening as a result of occupational doses at Fermilab
The following are common daily activities in our society that are associated with a risk of dying at a rate of 1 in a million. |
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant will be able to:
DOE : 5,000 mrem/yr - this is the DOE legal dose limit
Fermilab: 1,500 mrem/yr - this is the administrative dose limit established by Fermilab. 95% of permanent Fermilab workers receive <100 mrem/yr
For all dosimetry devices
Put work in safe condition
Alert others in vicinity
Immediately exit area
Notify area RSO or Division/Section ES&H Group
Policies for badges and finger rings
Policies for pocket dosimeters and digidoses
Obtaining dose reports
Record adjustments
Each radiation worker is responsible to contact area RSO or dosimetry manager if monitored for radiation exposure elsewhere or involved in a medical procedure or treatment involving radioactive materials.
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Examples: review work plans and procedures
plan tasks
perform dose estimates for individuals and groups
conduct radiological surveillances
ensure personnel receive appropriate training
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
RWPs are posted at access point into the area or where keys are obtained.
General - routine or repetitive activities in areas with well characterized and stable radiological conditions
Job specific - non-routine work or work in areas with changing radiological conditions
Survey maps show: specific area dose rates, location of "hot spots", and levels of contamination in the vicinity
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
DANGER: High Radiation Area
GRAVE DANGER: Very High Radiation Area
CAUTION: Contamination Area
DANGER: High Contamination Area
CAUTION: Airborne Radioactivity Area
Disregarding or removing/relocating signs, postings, or labels can lead to:
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Radioactivity Class Labels
Exposure Rate (mR/hr @ 1 ft) |
Label |
At Least |
Less Than |
• 50 cpm above background * on a FriskerOR • 2000 cpm above background * on a Bicron Analyst**, if background is 2000-3000 cpm.OR • count rate* is equal to or greater than twice the mean background rate in a low (< 2000 cpm) background area |
1 mR/hr |
1 |
10 mR/hr |
10 |
100 mR/hr |
100 |
1000 mR/hr (= 1 R/hr) |
1 R/hr |
---- |
* Measured at contact. ** Bicron NaI scintillation probe on X10 scale. |
If the material is found to be radioactive using the frisker, you then use a wallflower to determine what label should be applied.
Whenever Business Services Section is asked to move the material or whenever a material is going off-site, a Material Move Request must be completed.
![]() |
Gamma Wand Source | |
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"Beta Gun" Source | Disk Source |
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Iron-55 X-ray Source | Alpha Source |
Typical Radioactive Source Configurations Found at Fermilab
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Perform a whole body frisk in the following order, pausing at places that may have come in contact with contamination. If the count rate increases during frisking, pause over the area to provide adequate time for instrument response.
1) Dosimetry & keys
2) Head
3) Neck and shoulders
4) Arms
5) Chest and abdomen
6) Back, hips, seat of pants
7) Legs
8) Shoe tops
9) Shoe bottoms
10) Personal belongings
If you are not required to perform a whole body frisk at the exit, follow the posted instructions.
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
This section of Radiation Worker Training does constitute Rad Waste training and qualifies you for all areas. However it is imperative you understand the mechanism by which your Division, Section, and Department deals with generated Radioactive Waste. You must contact your supervisor and/or rad waste coordinator to discuss the details of how your affiliated Division, Section, or Department handles its waste. You are REQUIRED to contact one of these individuals prior to generating any waste.
Defined as radioactive material that is no longer useful. This may be:
Radioactive waste bags, radiation warning signs, and radioactive class tapes are not to be thrown away in normal trash cans or dumpsters. These items are to be reused, if possible, or collected as radioactive materials in radioactive waste drums or other suitable containers whether or not they are found to be radioactive.
There is also the special category of mixed waste. Mixed waste is chemically hazardous or toxic waste which is also radioactive. Mixed wastes are a special problem because it is extremely difficult and expensive to dispose of them. Fermilab currently does not have approval to dispose of any mixed waste.
It is required that individuals who generate waste certify that the waste contains no hazardous materials at the time of disposal. If the waste is radioactive and does contain hazardous materials, special instructions apply. Some typical hazardous materials used at Fermilab are ethyl alcohol, freon, methanol, acetone, lead, lead based solder, beryllium, sodium chloride, and Simple Green detergent.
Except for certain special circumstances, water and KPC 820N are the only approved cleaners which may be used on radioactive materials.
Fermilab policy is to reduce or eliminate the generation of waste material presented for disposal or released to any environmental medium. The concept of waste minimization as applied to radioactive material focuses on reducing or eliminating the volume of radioactive and mixed waste sent for disposal, thus reducing the impact on the environment and the public, and also reducing disposal costs. Reducing or eliminating the generation of waste is given prime consideration in research, process design and plant operations. The minimization of the generation of mixed waste is especially important given the great difficulty in the disposal of such wastes because of disposal site restrictions.
Ways to reduce the amount of radioactive and mixed waste that is generated include:
Anyone generating waste in a beam enclosure or potentially radioactive waste outside a beam enclosure is responsible for completely and accurately characterizing those waste materials prior to presenting them for disposal. This responsibility cannot be delegated or deferred. Radioactive waste materials may not be left unattended for disposal at a later time.
Radioactive items being transported to designated collection areas should either be labeled with class tape or be in radioactive waste bags. Radioactive materials shall not be stored or transported in bags used for normal trash. Radioactive materials should be transported in Laboratory vehicles.
All dry, solid materials that are collected as radioactive waste must be surveyed to ensure that they are radioactive prior to placement in a waste disposal container.
Water collected on tunnel or enclosure floors cannot be disposed of without prior permission from the Area RSO.
During normal working hours, radioactive waste items shall promptly be taken to collection areas designated by the department head or his/her designee for characterization and disposal. Persons who are issued containers are generally available to open them for waste disposal during normal working hours.
During off hours, persons who have access to radioactive waste containers are usually not available to open them. Many of the accesses for emergency repairs are performed after normal working hours and on weekends. Department heads, task managers, group leaders, or supervisors are required to designate in advance the location (e.g., locked storage cabinet) where materials can be stored until proper radioactive waste disposal containers can be opened. As a generator of radioactive waste, it is your responsibility to be aware of the location of these storage cabinets. A storage cabinet that has a common department padlock can be used for this purpose. When the material is placed in the cabinet, it is recommended that the radioactive waste generator sign the "Radioactive Waste Certification and Pickup Request Form."
The Operations Group Duty Assistant, Crew Chief, or person designated by the Crew Chief is responsible to ensure that persons who are allowed to access the beam enclosures have been trained prior to issuing enclosure keys.
All radioactive waste generators are required to characterize their waste with sufficient accuracy to permit proper identification, minimization, segregation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal. Waste should be characterized at or near the point of generation not only for convenience, but to also prevent cross-contamination. As a minimum the generator characterization of waste shall include:
This information is to be placed on an inventory sheet which is maintained for each waste container as it is being filled.
The following are waste violations/problems that have routinely occurred at Fermilab. It is very important that each waste generator follow the approved program in order to minimize waste and reduce the associated cost and man-power required to properly dispose of the waste.
The typical radiations emitted from dry, solid radioactive material may be detected with the frisker. Typical background count rates found on the frisker are about 30-to-50 counts per minute (cpm). Items are considered to be radioactive if they have counts rates of 50 cpm above background.
NOTE: If the background count rate is greater than 50 cpm, it may not be possible to determine that an item is radioactive. Suspect materials should be taken to an area where the background count rate is at or below 50 cpm. Tritium (radioactive hydrogen) cannot be measured with available hand-held instruments.
All radioactive waste containers are to be kept locked up at all times so that waste characterization and control is maintained.
No free liquids or absorbed liquids of any type are to be placed in 55-gallon radioactive drums designated for dry, solid waste. These drums are to be used for dry, solid radioactive waste only.
Compactible waste, such as shoe covers, gloves, other types of protective clothing, and dry rags or wipes, that has been found to be radioactive should be placed in drums designated for compactible radioactive waste.
Oil or other liquids removed from vacuum pumps and from various devices, such as septa and separators, that have been exposed in beam enclosures must be collected as radioactive waste. The liquids may contain tritium which is not detectable with hand-held instruments and may require special evaluation to determine if they are radioactive. The liquids are to be collected in properly labeled and approved containers.
The type of container used for collection of liquid radioactive wastes can be any of the following:
The type of container used should be appropriate for the quantity of waste generated.
Radioactive liquid wastes of different types should normally be segregated. No water may be added to oil waste drums except for incidental water which may be present in vacuum pumps due to operation of the pump.
Sweeping compound used to clean beam enclosure floors may contain radioactive dust; metal grinding chips or filings; tie wraps; miscellaneous nuts, bolts, screws; and many other small parts. Sweeping compound must be collected in 55-gallon drums lined with large radioactive waste bags. Sweeping compound may not be dumped loose into unlined 55-gallon radioactive waste drums.
Non-compactible waste, such as contaminated lumber, structural steel, and beam pipe, is to be collected in 55-gallon drums separately from compactible waste.
Large quantities of materials such as radioactive cables may be collected in large steel boxes with lockable covers. Arrangements to obtain large steel boxes should be made in advance with the Division/Section ES&H Department.
The containers Fermilab uses for radioactive waste are:
Once waste is properly characterized and in the appropriate container, pick-up can be arranged if:
Upon completion of this lesson, the participant should be able to:
Actions in such an emergency:
Disregarding any of these radiological alarms or circumstances may lead to: