Dear colleagues,
With fresh memories of the Accelerator Section meeting in San Antonio, I would like to congratulate all our newly elected Section Officers and wish them success in accomplishing our common goals. Additional help will come from Section Committees. Taking into account tasks that came from discussions in San Antonio, I am in the process of contacting Section members and reviewing the need for creating new committees or reinstating old ones. This process is not yet finished, but I would like to inform you about the current status.
Rules Committee: Carter Ficklen will be joined by the new President-Elect, Steve Musolino. The Committee will follow up on Section efforts to get recently proposed changes to our Bylaws approved by the HPS Rules Committee and the HPS Board of Directors.
Contact with Program Committee: Steve Musolino will contact the Program Committee for the next HPS Annual Meeting and explore the possibility of involving Section members in organizing the Technical Program for the Accelerator Session.
Scientific Panel: Ken Kase and Don Cossairt. This panel was originally set up to investigate the possibilities of establishing a facility for high energy neutron calibrations in the U.S. Such efforts obviously depend on good will in the higher spheres and availability of funding, but our Section should not give up and continue these efforts. Some other scientific issues might also arise in the future.
Summer School Committee: Bob May and Paula Trinoskey. This committee will follow up on the proposal of organizing, perhaps as part of the HPS CEC courses, a summer school on Accelerator Health Physics. This committee will help with suggesting topics, finding/proposing lecturers and coordinating with other committees or organizations.
One of the recent salient successes of our Section is the work of the CASOG committee, summarized in the feature article from the last IARPE issue. I would like to explore with the Section Board (and anybody else interested) appropriate ways of keeping our Section actively involved in regulatory issues.
In view of the upcoming '98 Midyear Meeting in Mobile, Alabama, Lorraine Day proposed to organize a technical tour/workshop at her facility, the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD), at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. This event could take place on Saturday before the Midyear Meeting, i.e. on February 7th, 1998. CAMD being a synchrotron light facility, the workshop could concentrate on specific health physics issues at synchrotron facilities, but a broader topic is also considered. At this stage we would like to get your input regarding attendance and topics. If you are interested, please send e-mail to Lorraine <>, with a copy to me.