Fermi ID Employee   Visitor   Contractor   Other -- Name Search -- Fermilab Phone Book
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Option 1:  Select the report type.

ITP (Individual Training Plan) lists only active courses and qualifications with due dates.
ITS (Individual Training Summary) is similar to the ITP, however it lists the most current training dates for all courses and qualifications taken, regardless of the active status and due dates.
ITH (Individual Training History) is a complete report of all training taken and qualifications completed.

Option 2:  Report Sort Order.

1st Sort 2nd Sort
ITNA Contact
ITNA Contact
Complete Date
Complete Date
Due Date
Due Date
Course Code
Course Code
Course Title
Course Title
Risk Level/Requirement
Risk Level/Requirement
Note: Due and Past Due training will always display first, sorted by the above options.

Option 3:  Qualifications.

Include qualifications on the report?
Suppress non-required qualifications from report
Suppress discontinued qualifications from report

Option 4:  Additional options for ITS report only.

Suppress training Not Required by ITNA from ITS report
Suppress discontinued courses from ITS report

Option 5:  Supervisor Report.

Run a Supervisor Report for the Fermi ID specified in the search criterion.