TRAIN Online Class Schedule
Course Introduction to Cybersecurity[FN000374/CB/01]
Requal. Interval 12 Months
Contact Jessie Pudelek
Directive/Requirement DOE O 205.1B
Authorized Instructors Wayne Baisley (SEC), John Galvan (SEC), Jessie Pudelek (SEC), Kevin Hill (SEC), Jason Ormes (SEC), Rebecca Bensinger (SEC)
Reference Material Fermilab Policy on Computing
Click here to access the training.
Target Audience All Lab computer users.
Objective Provide Lab computer users with the information they need to operate computer systems in a secure manner and to abide by Lab and DOE computer policy.
Course Content Fermilab Computer Security Policies and Practices that affect all computer users at the Laboratory.

Computer Security is not simply a set of rigid rules which are to be memorized any applied unthinkingly. Rather, it is an attitude consisting of general principles that, when applied appropriately, allows you to deduce the correct behavior even in new and unforeseen circumstances. This flexibility and agility is an important part of our security strategy, which requires us to be able to respond quickly to rapidly changing threat environments, with the lab computing complex under virtually constant attack from the outside internet. These general principles are summarized in the lab Policy on Computing, which should allow you to determine the correct responses to the test questions even if they are not explicitly discussed in the policy.

Taking the test itself is an important part of the security training. You will be notified of any incorrect answers at the completion of the test and given the reasons why the desired answer is the correct one, which in some cases will include links back to the appropriate sections of the computing policy.