TRAIN Online Class Schedule
Course Protecting Personal Information[FN000412/CR/01]
Prerequisites None
Requal. Interval 12 Months
Contact Bernadette Tabor
Directive/Requirement DOE regulations about PII.
Reference Material Click here to access the training.
Target Audience Any individual who will use any Fermilab computing system, including desktops and laptops.
Objective Identify examples of High-risk Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Recognize the four main reasons why Fermilab is obligated to protect PII.
Acknowledge the importance of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) regarding the interest of Fermi Research Alliance (FRA).
Identify examples of High-risk PII that must be deleted and when having High-risk PII is acceptable.
Course Content Fermilab's policies and procedures for handling PII.