TRAIN Online Class Schedule
Course New Employee ES&H Orientation[FN000034/CR/00]
Risk Level 16 (Likelihood: Likely/Consequence: Major) Training must be completed within 10 days of ITNA or last completion date.
Requal. Interval One Time Only
Contact Paul Satti
Directive/Requirement FESHM Chapter 2070
Authorized Instructors Idris Shokunbi Habeeb (ES), Thomas Fogarty (ES), Ian Marano (ES)
Reference Material *VIEW THIS FIRST* Online presentation
New Employee Orientation Handbook
GERT Handout
NEO Ergonomics Handout
Target Audience All New Fermilab Employees
Objective Fermilab's course covers lab safety policies, exposure/medical records, external agencies (DOE, EPA, OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health protection for Government Owned and Contractor Operated (GOCO) employees, Emergency Response procedures, pollution prevention efforts. etc.
Course Content This class consists of short presentations/discussions of topics identified in Fermilab's ESH&Q Manual (FESHM), OSHA requirements, and DOE Order 5483.1A. This Order covers Occupational Safety and Health programs for GOCO Facilities. Completion of this class provides credit for the following courses:

1. Environmental Management System (EMS) FN000377
2. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Availability And Use FN000199
3. Hazard Communication FN000156
4. Electrical Safety Orientation FN000387

Online Test: Available